First Float of the year! March 21, 2019
By Josh Gallivan Josh Gallivan dropped in on the Snake River, March 21, 2019Photo by Scott Smith Two days ago I had the privilege of fishing with my two good friends Scott Smith and John Campbell. It was our first float of the year! The snake is at a perfect flow at the moment, so with the 45 degree days we thought we would give it a go. It turned out to be a great decision because within the first hour we had lost count of all these beautiful cutties we were catching on dry flies. I c...
Read MoreA Guide’s Day Off – Lewis Lake by Josh Gallivan
After a busier than usual summer fishing season one might imagine a guide's day off would be spent relaxing, catching up on chores at home or even an adventure doing your other favorite summer pastimes. For me it's typically a combination of all three but for GTFF guide, Josh Gallivan, who by the way never takes a day off unless forced, spends his off time fishing. Enjoy! A Guide's Day Off- Lewis Lake by Josh Gallivan Days off during the summer are non existent. So when I had a random day o...
Read MoreHosted Trips with Josh Gallivan and Scott Smith
If you have never traveled to Fly Fish the Saltwater Flats this is your opportunity to jump on board while spots(4) remain open! While trout fishing the waters around Jackson Hole will always be our proud home some of our guides in the off season take the their passion to the next level and travel the world in pursuit of adventures only dreamt about. Josh Gallivan is one of the most passionate up and coming travel host anglers; a guide of all species, geography and conditions. This off sea...
Read MoreSummer 2018 Season Summary
This past Summer Season of 2018 was one of the best in recent memory which is a bold statement since most years are quite good with only slight variations coming into play. To have these great conditions line up we first need a healthy snowpack up in the Teton Range. This season we started with a generous 120% of our annual snowfall, a bit over average but that number helps mitigate the damage of a warm spring and hot, dry summer that are unfortunately more common in recent years. The wet w...
Read MoreFirst Annual Fly Fishing Seminar – June 30, 2018
First Annual Free Fly Fishing Seminar! (Suggested $50 donation in which all proceeds to benefit Trout Unlimited Jackson Hole Chapter) Who: Hosted by Grand Teton Fly Fishing When: June 30th, 2018 9am-3pm Where: South Park feed grounds 1.5 miles South of High School Road You do not need a fishing license to participate Click the link below for the full details! Grand Teton Fly Fishing Seminar-2 ...
Read MoreWater Forecast for Summer 2018
June 13, 2018 As we quickly approach the Summer Solstice it is now a safe bet to make some more precise water predictions for the upcoming prime summer fishing season. Our peak flows on the Snake River occurred two weeks ago topping out around 27,200 cfs in the Snake River canyon, a healthy flush but not a record runoff at all. Currently tribs are on the drop; settling and clearing will increase over the next 3 weeks with most runoff ending by early July, a couple weeks sooner than previous...
Read MoreFive ways to get ready for your summer of fly fishing fun! by Josh Gallivan
Summer is finally upon us and although our local rivers are currently in flood stage, somewhere out there fish are eating dry flies. Let this be the summer where you finally connect with that dusty old fly rod tucked away in the garage. You’ll never know how much joy it will bring you until you see your first trout rise slowly out of its lie and inhale your dry fly off of the surface after a perfectly placed cast. Jumping into fly fishing can be intimidating. The list of questions never g...
Read MoreJune lake tips!
Every start to the fishing season has its challenges but during major high water years, like this one those stresses can run you crazy. The talk is the same "where and what do we do now"? As the best river venues typically have something to offer they too can be off the list until conditions improve and it is then that we truly see lakes come into the conversation. There are plenty of die hard lake fans out there that have put in their time over the years and for that they know the great rew...
Read MoreAbaco Lodge with Josh Gallivan, November 2017!
Abaco Lodge Bahamas, Nov 11-16 2017. Hosted trip with Josh Gallivan. I'm very excited to bring seven anglers to the Abacos this November. I Caught my first Bonefish there while on a sailing trip through the Bahamas 8 years ago! I'll never forget the expansive white sand flats where the fly fishing possibilities were endless. Now I'm very lucky to be able to share this place with you. The Abaco lodge is situated on the back side of the Abacos, overlooking the marls. On a calm evening y...
Read MoreSpring Fly Fishing Update – May 8, 2017
SPRING FLY FISHING UPDATE-- MAY 8, 2017 Neil Chamberlin We’ve had some excellent spring fishing out here. I personally started my spring fishing in early February this year and we’ve managed to put some really nice fish in the boat since then. I’ve been fishing both the local rivers and traveling all around our area chasing the best fishing. Locally the Snake, South Fork, Henry’s Fork, Green River, and many of the lakes have been fishing very well. Spring started off as usual...
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