Grand Teton Fly Fishing

GTFF Awarded new GTNP contract for 2020!

As many of you may or may not know we operate under a NPS concessions contract within GTNP. These are typically limited, 10 year contracts and our previous agreement ran out on December 31, 2019. To our delight and through continuous effort to adapt and train we are happy to announce the NPS awarded GTFF the 2020 contract that will see us through 2029.

Furthermore, our operation has been rated as "Superior" 4 years in a row from GTNP, a rating that is not easily acquired. Our staff feels honored to have the opportunity to operate in such an incredible National Treasure and our simple goal is to provide every visitor with a unique and inspiring "Grand Teton" experience, while educating about our beloved native trout and the sport of fly fishing.

As always, thank you for choosing us and we look forward to the next 10 years serving you and your families!

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